A Hotel Where You Can Drink Cocktails Inspired By Christmas Movies

"Eat, drink, and be merry" is the saying, right? The Arthouse Hotel is making all of that possible in one place with their "Holiday Movie Revival" pop-up bar that has drinks based off all of your favorite films to binge-watch.

The Arthouse Hotel is located on the Upper West Side of New York City and is decorated to match the themed drinks for the pop-up. Before entering, Kevin McAllister and the robbers from Home Alone can be seen in the windows from the street.

An area of the lobby bar is adorned with Buddy the Elf's paper cut out decorations. The burnt tree from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is in one corner. Another sitting area is decorated just like the family home in A Christmas Story, and the grand piano is covered in Christmas lights à la Deck the Halls. Hint: If you look hard enough, you might be able to spot Bruce Willis in Die Hard on the ceiling somewhere, too.

The drinks are just as on-theme as the ambiance. You can order a fragilè punch that comes inside the famous leg lamp from A Christmas Story and serves about six people. The punch is made with gin, milk punch, cranberry cordial, and bitters. There is also a "Clark's Eggnog" drink that comes in a carton as an ode to Christmas Vacation, "Deck the Halls" shooters that come in festive light bulbs, and three "canned cocktails" to choose from.

The canned cocktails come in Arthouse-branded cans as well, making them Instagram-worthy, for sure. The "Cranberry Sauce Negroni" comes in a cranberry sauce can, the "Cold Fashioned" comes in a little coffee can to match the cold brew black coffee liqueur included, and the "Spruce Tree Martini" comes in a white, green, and red can to pour yourself.

You don't have to be a hotel guest to enjoy the cheery environment of the Arthouse Hotel's Holiday pop-up, which is open through January 6. Drink prices range depending on what you choose, from $16 to $60. Keep in mind, you're paying for the atmosphere and the picture-perfect presentation of the drinks, too, so it's worth it! 'Tis the season to splurge a little!

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