Costco Ending Free Samples (for now)

Crazy days at Costco

From KTLA:

Long lines that snaked around buildings and through parking lots, as well as depleted supplies, have also been reported at Costcos in Van Nuys, Burbank, Marina del Rey and Fullerton.

“It’s very unusual. You come here and by noon all the water be gone, all the bleach and hand sanitizers and everything else," said Mundo Rodriguez, who was shopping at the Costco in Van Nuys on Friday. "We were here Wednesday getting a few things and it was a madhouse.”

Signs posted at the Woodland Hills locations on Thursday informed members that they would be limited to buying two packs of toilet paper and water per day, according to video from the scene. Similar notices were also visible at the one in Fullerton.

"This store is practically empty," one frustrated Orange County customer told KTLA.

Another Costco member in Woodland Hills described the scene there as "crazy" and compared it to shopping on "Black Friday."

And free samples are done - for now

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