Puppy Sitter Refused To Give Dog Back To The Owner!

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Imagine someone watching your pup and not wanting to give it back?!

A woman agreed to take in a puppy her husband adopted after the cousin was told that she wasn't allowed pets in her building. She stated "My cousin adopted a puppy called Delilah from a shelter around two months ago. At the time, she was living in an apartment complex that didn't allow pets. My cousin was aware of this, but decided to get the dog anyway."

When the cousin's building found out, she was told either the dog has to go or she must move out. She then explained that she talked to various family members and asked if anyone would be willing to take the puppy in while she found a new place to live. The woman explained that she is best friends with the dog and loves her more than anything. Once the cousin got back in touch with her again, she said that she found a new place to live. She ended up moving in with her boyfriend and the woman told her that she didn't think it was a good idea for the dog to live there.

After they fought about it, they both agreed it would be best if the dog stayed with her.

What would you have done?!

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